malham with marion and maxie 2


Super-hot day for our walk to the tarn and cove – so the going was slow to cater for hot dog (and people). The most interesting route involved sheep, cows and stiles, none of which Maxie really does. She barks at sheep, and I know that people who get trampled to death by cows always turn out to have dogs with them. And our cows are very interested indeed in Maxie. But she doesn’t bark, and after Maxie and I played statues for several minutes they got bored.


The most interesting route to tarn (and lunch and a swim) featured a steep ladder style. It turned out be possible to persuade Maxie to go up, but no way would She come down. So we lifted her. She is heavy.

The edge of the tarn was full of picnic groups, and swimming not perfect – a long stoney wade out before it got deep enough to swim, but swim we did and very nice it was too. Then on to Malham Cove, approaching from the top eastern side, so getting the full glory of the pavements and the view. One very tired dog by the time we got back – even if the walk did take twice as long as it should have done in the heat. We know that because Marion’s app congratulated her on doing so many miles and climbing so high.


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